Why Node.js could be best for your next web application

Why Node.js could be best for your next web application

Thinking of making a web application by using Node.js? then YES, you are at right place.

You can make web application by using other platforms but why Node.js? why should I prefer Node.js? what are advantages over other platforms? why it is efficient? Stop. Stop…Relax. I will tell you how it could be your choice for developing your next Web Application.

So, Let’s jump into this, but before we have to understand what is Node.js?


Node.js is free open source server environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser, it also runs on various platforms like Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc. It allows developers to make web servers and networking tools because of the effective use of JS.

The main reason for Node.js being the most used development environment is that it increases developer’s productivity, reduce the cost of development as well as increase application performance, it can generate dynamic page content and can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server.

Making a Web app using Node.js follows your application having a upper hand over others from getting recognized from google search engine, Web apps mostly rely on Node.js to carry HTML.

Node.js has become the most popular development platform with 7 million instances online ten out of eight are planning to use Node.js in future shortly.

As you can see that almost 49.6% of people use Node.js whereas angular is used by 36.9% and react 27.8%, It has easily had the upper hand over the other popular platforms. So, Let’s see the uses of Node JS.


1. Easy to learn

Node.js is easy to learn, for understanding Node.js you just need to have basic knowledge of Javascript like loops, functions, variables, arrays, arrow functions, and many more. Most of the JavaScript Developers preferred Node.js because it is very easy to catch Node.js

2. Streaming of data

Node.js allows users to upload file in real time and also user can encode file while it’s uploading, You can also make an application for streaming audio and video like Netflix.

It also helps to build proxies between data layers.

3. Single page web apps

If you compare multi page and single page web application one difference you will find out that multi page application takes time to load on the user side, Obviously We don’t want our application to load slowly on client side so if we create single page application it will run faster than multi page application.

Single page applications are easier and fast to load on the client side. Node.js provides quick response time that makes app load faster and also provides sharing of data between user and server.

4. Real-time applications

Want to make a chat application? Node.js is extraordinary when it comes to building real-time chatting application and game apps.

Below are the benefits you can check of making an webapp with Node.js

– faster

– data streaming

– Real-time Apps

– Fast coding

In chatting apps, it is the real-time application so it must be lightweight because if it’s not then it will slow down the application and also take time to deliver or receive data.

There are big giant companies like Netflix, LinkedIn, Paypal, Uber, Nasa uses Node.js for their productivity.

5. APIs

We can create REST APIs very efficient way. In Node.js we don’t need to convert JSON and whatever from database API does this automatically.

6. Scalability

Scalability is of the feature of Node.js when you have to serve requests just spin up more server instances and run node there.

Node.js scalability does not depend on the hardware power, hardware plays a role but a Node can scale horizontally so you can add more machines that work together.

7. Community

A big community of Node.js provides modules which is the big reason why Node.js is popular, The great modules is provided by the large open source community, There are many effective modules that connect between client and server.


So as per the points I think now you have got an idea that why should you go for Node.js for your next web app.

If you make an application using node.js then it will be easy and fast coding and also good for streaming plus it can handle traffic on the app so the app will not slow down because of the high traffic and if you want to make an application that needs real-time users data then you know what I am going to say it.

How to Choose the Right JavaScript Framework for Your Web App (Angular or React)


Thinking of making a web app??, You have got the million-dollar idea that will change the world but still you have not changed the world. As per saying “The idea is alone not important, It’s the execution that matters”

 JavaScript is currently being used by more than 94 percent of all the websites. the framework which you use is equally Important, there are lots of JavaScript Frameworks which you can use from like Vue, Node, Express and many more. But the two frameworks which has been on everybody’s lip is none other that React and Angular.

Which is best then???

In this blog, We will go into the details of React and Angular Framework, what are their plus points and what are their Minus points and which framework do you choose for your next Web app??

React JS

ReactJS is a JavaScript library that combines the speed of JavaScript and uses a new way of rendering webpages, making them highly dynamic and responsive to user input. Below you can see how far React js has come from the start.


Reusing Components

They can actually reuse the components that was developed some other application sharing the same functionality which helps in saving time and resources.

This will not only help in delivering the project faster but to since, there is less coding in ReactJS, there is less chances of creating errors.


Dynamic Web apps

Creating Web apps in React js are very easy, We can easily create Dynamic web apps. Before it was very complex, but after that the implementation of React js, It has solved many issues.

React js also supports machine readable codes and mix components into single time variable file.


Reactjs allow search engines to crawl the website or mobile app that increases the chances of getting ranked on the top of the search engine index. By running on a server, rendering it as a regular web page and returning a virtual DOM request to the browser; the React js allow search engines to crawl JavaScript-heavy apps.

As React is using JavaScript to load its pages and load the content in most cases. Google and other search engines are able to read the content but it’s always required in these cases to check what the actual result is so the React is good for SEO.


Large Community is one of big advantages for React js Developers, It gives flexibility to the developers to find a library for any task they want to implement.

For example, if you want to search for a NPM, you will find various packages to work on with React JS and you will get support from the Facebook if you are stuck somewhere and that is why React js Developers are increasing day by day.



Going to make your components be able to transfer data from one to another, but when you have a lot of data that is/could be used all over the place, it quickly becomes easier to go for a solution like Redux to allow app-wide access. The alternative is a lot of props, ugly jsx-code and debugger-hell.

Redux is also a clear strategy to handle any API/database responses at a central location. You don’t want those calls sprinkled all over your components.



Documentation is good but it becomes bad when it comes up with new releases of extremely new tools. Developers struggle with integrating these tools with ReactJS.

Some Senior people, developers think that React technologies are updating and accelerating so speedily that there is no proper time to write the information.

High pace development

Nowadays, High pace is everything and even React js, with consistently changes everything from tool to its nature developers are trying hard to keep up with it. Everything is evolving, and some developers are not comfortable with keeping up with such a pace.


ReactJS uses JSX, As some of you know JSX is a big no- no, Some developers  of the development community consider JSX to be a serious disadvantage. Developers and designers complain about JSX’s complexity and consequent steep learning curve.

Angular js

“AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications” – Wikipedia

Below you can see how this framework has gain its Worth.


Consistent Code

Code is Consistent in Angular JS, This will improve the performance plus lower the cost of development, Code can be reusable and easy maintainable in Angular JS.

Two-way data binding

In Angular, There is Two way data binding services which makes easier and faster data binding, It will make sure that the changes made are instantly shown in the model and the vice versa.

DOM manipulation

Manipulating Document Object model is one of the ways that standout Angular js from other Javascript Frameworks. The workers saves time and money and other efforts due to DOM Manipulation in Angular.


Open source frameworks grow because of the work of volunteers. To that end, Angular has a massive community that contributes tons in the way of functionality and assistance. There’s no shortage of help, including an active Slack community to get answers.

There are also copious amounts of documentation from the project teams and from third-parties in the way of books and videos. Self-learners will see there’s no problem finding how-to and tutorials that cover the basics.


Server performance

The server performance is good because reduces the hassle from server CPU’s, It means that the server performs extremely well thanks to reduced traffic and because it only serves static files and responds to the API calls.

Fast development

If you are a fast learner, you can get familiar with AngularJS in no time. And once you feel fully comfortable working with it, you will see that your development efforts and time spent dealing with it will shrink.

Responsive web

Is there anything worst then not having responsive web in 2019?? Angular js provide us with the good responsive, Faster speed Loading and smooth websites and Apps.



Scopes is not simple to handle and plus if it is the first time to you are including with Angular, Then it will very difficult for the first timers to adapt.


Developers’ Tend to go to go on Usual Routes but to implement model-view-controller architecture patterns using angular JS can be heavy task and what if the developer’s having In case you have hard deadlines to meet, this might not be the right way to go. A resolution, however, could be to hire some experienced if you wish to unlock the framework’s advantages.


Rather than ensuring a straight learning graph, you can have to face great trouble in getting adapted to the framework. However, the Definite documentation available may further disturb the learning process. However, the day-by-day approaching community is making it simpler.

Capable AngularJS developers deal with these as minor hiccups as they openly promote its exciting cons.  


As you have seen the details, Popularity, Cons of React JS and Angular JS, You can now easily choose which framework is best for your Web application.

If your preference is in the search engine then you should go with React JS but if you focus on Responsive web, Consistent code then you can go with Angular JS, Choice is yours.

Choose Wisely…


Technologies and come and go, Once we have been messaging our friends through letters and now we can just ping them even if they are million kilometers away from us. Technology is the thing which is constantly getting changed and getting better and best every second.

Different technologies have make a mark in the last some years, But the technology which have not only created a mark but be helpful to giants like Facebook, Airbnb, DropBox, IMDb, Instagram, Netflix, PayPal, Tesla Motors and many more are using React.js framework due to its great efficiency. The library which was first deployed on Facebook’s newsfeed and went on to be open-sourced in March 2013. Since then, React.js framework has become immensely popular for doing view rendering work both in large scale and in a single page application.

But the question is Will React JS Stay as it is or it will go other way around. Here we will discuss about React.

Dominating Frontend Library

From last years, Without a doubt the Dominating Frontend Library is React. Sure, Angular and Vue js and SASS is top of its game but still with the presence of Powerhouses like these, React has make its mark in this world.

Below is the image where you can see some of the Details that prove React has actually make a mark.

React In Production: AirBnB, Asana, Atlassian, BBC, Chegg, CloudFlare, CNN.com, Codecademy, Coursera, Craftsy, Dailymotion, Dropbox, Expedia, Facebook, Feedly, Flipboard, HipChat, IMDb, Imgur, Instagram, Khan Academy, KISSmetrics, Mattermark, Minerva Project, Netflix, OkCupid, Rackspace, Rally Software, Ralph Lauren, Reddit, Redfin, Salesforce, Squarespace, The New York Times, Trunk Club, Twitter, Uber, University of Cincinnati, Venmo, WhatsApp, Wired, Wix, WordPress, Yahoo, Zendesk

Good for Business

It is good for business because it give the chance to enterprises to make standout apps which will give them efficient services but visually engaging user experience and user interface. Lots of small and large-scale business need technology which have better user engagement, higher click-through-rates (CTR) and Increase conversions. Lots of business prefer ReactJS because it assured of better performance compared to those that use other frameworks. Preventing updating of DOM is one of the reasons why people prefer React js and with DOM Manipulation the applications will run smoothly and give the customers a good user

Easy to Use

Being able to do variety of things is great, but only if you don’t have to spend the rest of your life learning new technologies every time. React is easy to learn and easy to use and comes with a good supply of documentation and training resources. Anyone who comes from a JavaScript background can understand and start using React in a few days. This makes all the great things it does even greater because you can actually use them in short order.

It is very easy to use for most of the developers, For The JavaScript developers they can quickly and easily work with Reactjs. For HTML and CSS Developers The basic knowledge will efficiently serve the purpose. For mobile app developers, the React Native version offers multiple advantages over its competitors.

Performance and Flexiblity

Apps with a lot of user interaction and data updates normally require a careful consideration of how the app structure is going to impact performance. The Document Object Model is very slow to change and update. A server constantly checks the difference caused by the changes to give the necessary response. To respond properly, it needs to update the DOM trees of the whole document, which is not ergonomically valid nowadays DOM trees contain thousands of elements. This problem is solved by using the virtual DOM.

As per Flexibility, It is React is only one piece of the puzzle. It has a very simple implementation of state (the stuff that changes around in the UI), but many interfaces need a more robust implementation, Using and understanding React’s built-in state is relatively easy, but many developers opt to use a more robust version.  

Developer Tools and their Community

As per Research “Out of 23k developers , Almost 14k developers prefer React over any other frontend Framework ”

New technologies can be fun, but only if you can actually use them in a development environment. That means having tools to help you design and debug the new technology, and React is well covered in terms of design and debugging tools. React Developer Tools, available for Chrome and Firefox, is a browser extension for React. It allows you to inspect the React component hierarchies in the virtual DOM. You can select individual components and examine and edit their current properties and state. You can also track the hierarchy of any component and discover both parent and child components. You can find them on Github, Chrome store and many more.

Yes React is here to Stay, As an open-source library with over 1,000 contributors, React.js is constantly developing. Many things are already available, while the rest of the codebase can be reused. Major changes to the framework go through the Future of React repo, Issues and PR. This enables the community to provide feedback on new potential features, experimental APIs, and JS syntax improvements.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Reactjs allow search engines to crawl the website or mobile app that increases the chances of getting ranked on the top of the search engine index. By running on a server, rendering it as a regular web page and returning a virtual DOM request to the browser; the React js allow search engines to crawl JavaScript-heavy apps.

As React is using JavaScript to load its pages and load the content in most cases. Google and other search engines are able to read the content but it’s always required in these cases to check what the actual result is so the React is good for SEO.


From a troubleshooting idea, it has been transformed into the trendiest framework and leader in performance and adoption of new design patterns. The extensive UI library helps create features that address business issues, improve customer satisfaction, and boost business growth.

React JS is the most trending Technology in 2019 and as you have seen its advantages and growth to developers and business, Yes, It is here to stay and it will not go anytime soon.

UI or UX…. Which one should be your first Priority ??

So you are thinking which medium to give Priority UI or UX???

You are stuck with the Words like, “Which will make my Website visually appealing and Fabulous”, “Which is important or what if I should stick with only single thing and don’t give much attention to the other thing”

Hold on There…. Let me tell you we all are human beings and we tend to get confuse. Keep Reading I will explain you which to use and how It can help you in making the choice as per your Project.


The days were gone where we used to sit on the monitor and enjoy ourselves with these greatest invention of all time, Fast Forward, Today the importance of good visual designs to your website and apps is equal to the conversions that your company make and that’s where UI and UX enter in the game.

UI Stands for User Interface Design generally refers to the visual elements of a product or experience – the look and feel, the presentation and the interactivity of a product. It’s the interface that the user interacts with and makes the visuals unforgettable.

Whereas UX Stands for User experience design which is the process of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the customer and the product. (Wikipedia).

Simple??? Yes but No… We have to go dive deep into the advantages both of the medium gives us. So, Let’s GO.


Have you seen a child how quickly he or she knows how to operate a mobile or a laptop, that’s solely due to some great user Interfaces design which can not only attract any person but flow in their mind.

So how it will valuable to us??

Below are the advantages we get if we have good UI Design which will be valuable to us.

Increase Customer Conversion

If you are UI is good, it will drastically increase the customer conversion because your Product’s idea will come after, But firstly it’s the interface in which the user will flow and buy your Product.

Gains Customer Confidence

Your customer has already visited number of sites over the internet and he or she somewhat knows what are the Interfaces which will give them good vibes and what are the interfaces which are giving them bad vibes.

Attractive and smooth UI will not only gain customer trust but their confidence in your Product also.   

Reduces the Confusion

As mentioned above, How can small child easily adapt to our smartphones and laptop, Engaging stuff like games, Videos, images is the factor no doubt, But the user interface which has been designed keeping the large group of user is making an impact first.

Reduce Development Cost

User disappointment and costly, time consuming redesigns are avoided as usability, presentation and behavior are fully addressed in the design process.

UX Design

UX Design is a more focused on the overall experience than just the look of the site. UX is the skeleton to your body. UX is the reason why you can’t just start to make a product on the web. There are many advantages which are making UX top over everything.

User Centered Vision

Through user-centered vision we can make user centered design, we can gain a better understanding of the problems we need to solve. We can easily find the solutions we have to find to exclude users’ painpoints and improve our design solutions.

Engage the customer

We can truly engage the customer with our user experience design so we can Treat the user as a customer, You’ll have a better understanding of the user. You’ll be better able to deal with the user’s emotions, requirements, requests, and needs and can learn everything else necessary to provide a better solution.

Increase Revenue

By doing the research and planning in UX Design, we can create a product that works for both your customers and organization. If you know your customers we can create engaging content, and provide a good service, everything should fall into place.

Discover the goal of your user

A lot of research goes into UX design and during the process, you will get a lot of opinions. These will shape your site design goals. With your goals in mind, you should research your customer base by creating personas and this will create a clear goal which will be beneficial to both of the sides.


So who is better UI or UX, As you seen this blog, You have got the idea that UI is subset of UX. User experience (UX) is much wider term which includes usability, learnability, effectiveness, user friendliness, before and after service by the product/ product team and overall impression that a brand or product impression leaves on customer’s mind.

But Both UI and UX completely rely on Each other, As you seen in real world

Girl – Boy

Sun – Moon

Bone – Muscles

Camera – Movie

They can’t work if either one is lost. The same goes for UX and UI, you cannot create a product without these two. UX is more structure & strategic, on the other hand UI is more of visuals. If one domino goes down the other domino goes too.